Sunday, September 2, 2018

Mission Boundary Realignment. Today we sustained the boundary change between the Ghana Cape Coast Mission and the Ghana Kumasi Mission. The Branch in Dunkwa will now be included in the Obuasi District under the direction of the Kumasi Mission President. It was a sad and happy day. I know our Elders who have served there love it. We love the people. The happy part is that they will now be ministered to and can be part of a district that is so much closer to them. This week was also, transfers, interviews, Follow-up Training meeting and we attended a Saturday sessions of a Stake Conference. Wow We Loved IT!

President Hillam, Dunkwa Branch Pres. , Praso District President, Obuasi District President, President Webster (Kumasi Mission President)
Dunkwa Branch September 2, 2018
Elder Garba and Elder Rebelatto were the Elders to pass off  Dunkwa to the fine Elders in the Kumasi Mission
Not often that 2 Elders serve with another 2 Elders from a neighboring mission! 
President and Sister Hillam and President and Sister Webster

This week did begin with TRANSFERS.  Elder Pahulu left a day early because of his flight to Tonga.  We love you and wish you all the best! A total of 9 more left this week.  

The Final Dinner at the mission home for the August group. 

This was a great group of missionaries.  We loved that they served, changed and all bore such beautiful testimonies on our last evening together. "God Be With You Till We Meet Again."  We Love You!

The final VAN ride to Accra.  Not a tro!

...and 4 hours later the new missionaries arrive.  It is quite the system that the van(s) take the departing missionaries and turn right around and bring us the new ones from the MTC!  This group includes  Missionaries from Cote d'Ivoire,  Angola, Kenya, Tonga, America and Guinea.

Our 3 Assistants that are worked so hard at transfers.  We love and appreciate all they do!

We are so excited to welcome this group!  They are ready to GO TO WORK!

Lots of training

Our New missionaries with their trainers.  Now out to the tro's to GO...

All the missionaries going on transfer arrive and for one hour we switch luggage and tro's and get them on to their new areas and companions! 

We next do the New Leader Training for all those new leaders called this transfer.  

Our first interviews begin with the Cape Coast Sisters the next day after transfers....

STL's in Cape Coast

Friday we had our Follow-up training meeting.  This group was amazing at the meeting.  We always play a fun team game that reviews training etc.  It was the closest game we have ever seen.  Way to Go!

Off to Praso for Interviews. Elders Zioh and Wright

Elders Malamala and Etukudo

Elder Lutui and Seba
Right by the Praso building is the well and yes, these containers are full to the top with WATER! 

Our Sister in the Praso Zone. 

President Hillam and the Main Street of Praso!