Sunday, September 9, 2018

Another Big Week.The Assin Foso Stake was divided. We now have an Assin Fosu South Stake too! We had lots of interviews, Finisher's wanted and MLC!

Elders Butters and Ntow

Our Supply Elders.  Elders Quist and Ricks

Elders Holtman and Seymore

Finisher's Wanted

Hark all Ye Nations!  Love our Mission Hymn

The Finisher's Wanted group for November...already!  

They have set some HIGH goals.  Go to Work...You Can DO IT!

Praso Zone Leaders.  Elders Oteng and King

MLC Sept. 2018

Mission Leaders Council Sept 2018

Final night with Elder Green

Elder Green we hope you made it home safe to Idaho!  We love you!

Elders Ofem and Rebelatto

Sisters Tommy and Topkah

Sisters Demi and Ekpah-Krakani

Sisters Camoes and Mangobe

Sister Training Leaders in Assin Foso.  Sisters Houana and Idahosa

Elders Egemba and Chukuneku

Elder Adou and Bassey

Sisters Akpa and Nanjura

Elder Tupola and Ogar

Elders Okeke and Harris

Elders Mapetla and Nelson

Elders Osei and Emilio

So grateful to have Elder Nash, Africa West Area President staying with us for 4 days for the division of the Assin Foso Stake. 

One of our Assistant to President left for home.  We love you.  Thanks for all you have done in the mission!

Our Assistants Sept 2018

Some of the Assin Foso Zone