Sunday, July 22, 2018

Transfer Week and so much more....these last 6 weeks flew by and saying good bye to our missionaries is definitely not getting any easier! When someone implied that the mission could be hard this is what I know they meant. We know they will be strong and go and bless their families, wards, branches, and countries. They will do great things! The mission has really been blessed in the last few weeks! Our amazing missionaries have shattered the standard of excellence for 3 weeks and last week more than doubled it! This kind of missionary work only comes through obedience, faith, prayers and hard work. We love our missionaries! Thanks for all who are praying for the mission and the choice people of Ghana.

Best of Luck!  Be strong and Remember who you are and what you stand for...
Final Dinner together at the mission home

5 am comes really early on the morning the Missionaries are heading home. They need to travel 3-4 hours to get to Accra to catch flights.  

Elder Fitch and Elder Kinzanza.  Our one Elder leaving the mission. 

Our 2 early bird flights drove with the Fitch's so they would not miss their flight. 

You look great for such an early time of the day!

So the bus takes one group to Accra and picks up our new missionaries at the MTC.

Our new missionaries come from- Angola, Uganda, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, DR Congo, and  Sierra Leone

We were grateful that our Assistants speak French, Portuguese and English!  We needed the translators!

Lots of training for the new missionaries and the trainers.  We are excited to implement the new training program this transfer.  

Finally they have made it through the initial training and are with their companions!  So excited for all the blessings that lie ahead. 

Next up, the transfer of the mission....then training for the new leaders and we are off and running for the next 6 weeks!

The interviews began this week with our Sisters in the Cape Coast Zone.

We also had interviews with some of the missionaries in the Yamoransa Zone.

On Friday we were so excited to have our Follow-up Training meeting with our missionaries who arrived last transfer.  They have learned so much and are excited for the work! 

Our June 2018 Transfer Group
You are doing great!

Hemang Elders

Hemang Elders

To finish this week we were in Praso (2 hours from Cape Coast)  to attend a Branch Conference and interview the Praso Zone.  These are the Zone Leaders and we will get pictures of the rest of the Zone at their Zone Conference! Love you all.  Thanks for all your prayers and support.  The mission had an amazing week!  The Lord is blessing the mission because of the great servants that wear the badge....the Elders and Sisters!