Saturday, July 28, 2018

The week is not quite over because Sunday is always a very busy day. This week we had some new meetings, places to go and lots of interviews! We were blessed to see the church in action. The gospel blesses and changes lives here in Ghana!

On Tuesday we had our "Finishers Wanted" for the October MTC Group 


Later on Tuesday night we had a training with all the STL's in the mission.  We now have 10 sisters serving and many of them were new!

Lots of training that evening!  We are so proud of the Sisters and the efforts they are making. They are powerful! 

Sister Training Leaders - July 2018

And interviews always happen! 

Mission Leader Council - July 2018

Anyone say picture???? They come running! 

Elders Mashale and Jeppson- Zone Leaders in Mankessim

Elders Ofahengaue and Savage - Zone Leaders in Assin Fosu

Interviews continued through the week. Elders Quist and Ricks.  Our amazing supply Elders!  So grateful for all they do!

Elders Riding and Holman.  Serving in Green Hill

Elders Ochs and Ntow serving in Nkanfoa

Sisters Nnaluo and Bilolo serving in Moree

Elders Hlonngwane and Addi serving in Yamoransa

Elders Phiri and Erhunmunse - Zone Leaders in Yamoransa

We see this form of travel for people and supplies all over Ghana.  

On Friday we headed to the Western Region to begin interviews and attend a few functions. 

We were invited to attend a "Hand off" of one of the church Humanitarian projects in Sansule.  This is a village in the far west of the mission.  The Church provided the supplies to build a welding building for a technical institution. 

President Hillam was asked to give a few remarks and it was easy to talk about welding as he loved to weld back in Idaho. He also talked about how great things will come because of the students desire to learn.  In the background you can see the building that was built.

The students joined in the celebration with dancing.

This is the chief of the village giving a speech in appreciation for what the church provided for the institute.

Official cutting of the ribbon...

We took a tour of the technical institute  and this was one of the classrooms for the business students.  

We had a great representation from the church.  A group from the Humanity Department in Accra came, the District President of Tarkwa, Mission President and wife and these saints from the Axim branch.  These are such wonderful members and we just gave each other big hugs! 

Close to the Institute is a refugee camp.  We drove to it to see another structure the church did for the people in this camp.  It was very interesting for us to drive through the camp. The people were very warm and so pleasant to visit with.  Some have been there for many years.  We met members of the church staying there. They were eager to visit with us.    

Friday night was a Lunar Eclipse. We were down by the ocean.  It was beautiful to see!

This is as the Eclipse was about done but what is cool is the planet to the right was Mars!  It very was bright. 

Saturday we were in Nkroful and Esiama for interviews with Elders Oakey and Hess and also...

Elders Doh and Nwichi

Elders Bohlen and Guillermo serving in Esiama

Elders Gunn and Mortimer serving in Esiama