Wednesday, January 3, 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We have spent the last week traveling the mission and seeing the wonderful sights of the Ghana Cape Coast Mission! This year is going to be fantastic and many great things will be happening in the mission. We have the best Elders and Sisters!

Time is flying through their training.  They are almost finished with their first 12 weeks!  What a great honor to associate with these incredible exciting missionaries!

A time at the castle for us! 

We are amazed at the beautiful Harmattan sunsets and sunrises.  These pictures cannot even do justice to how beautiful it is! 

So grateful to have the sisters come over for interviews at the mission home!

This last week we had the opportunity to go with this good Bishop and see the sites of where the gospel began in Ghana.  This good man is #4.  Yes, the first converts have numbers.  #1, #2, #3 have all passed on. 

Baptism Beach.  This is where the first 89 converts were baptised. 

In this garden the Land of Ghana was blessed for the coming forth of the gospel . 

Hill Cumorah in Ghana!  Did you know?  The members in the early day came here and prayed and fasted for the church to come to Ghana

We want to Welcome Elder and Sister Fitch to the Ghana Cape Coast Mission.  They have arrived to be the new Office Couple.  They come from Idaho Falls, ID.  Jump on because this is the ride of a life time!

We received a special gift for the children in Nyenasi!  The Primary Children from the Taylorview Ward in Idaho Falls  made a very special gift for these children. We are so grateful and the children we just so excited!

These children loved the notes, baby Jesus manger and the band for their wrists that say, "hold to the rod."
We know these children will cherish the notes and gifts!  Thank you Taylorview.

On December 31st we went to the beach to see the sunset for 2017!  The Harmattan hid the sun but we enjoyed the breeze and the walk on the beach.  We are so grateful for these wonderful Office Couples.  This mission could not function without these incredible people.  Thank you so much!

Elder and Sister Fitch 

On January 1st we attended the Cape Coast 1st Ward New Year's party.  It was so much fun.  The children did dances, we ate wonderful food and the saints were so very kind!  These saints here are the best. 

Food and Missionaries go hand in hand.  These are some of the missionaries serving in Cape Coast

MLC council for January.  All of the District Leaders joined us today.  We were able to set goals, discuss needs for the mission and get some training in for these inspirational leaders. 

There is nothing better than to see and to be with our missionaries.  Moments in our lives are cherished because of the moments we share with friends and family!