Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas to all our family, friends, missionaries, and missionary families. We are so grateful for your love, support, prayers and dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ. May this season find you blessed with the knowledge that Christ lives and loves each of us.

This wonderful week began with our new missionaries arriving! It took a bit but we found them at a station and brought them over to the mission home. 

With a few minor adjustments we were all able to sit together to enjoy their first lunch in the mission home.

The assistants do a great job going over the "First 12 weeks" in the mission... 

...And transfers began on Wednesday this week at the Ola chapel.
Our daughter was excited to meet Elder Lybbert.  His sister was her Sister Trainer Leader in Portugal when she served as a Sister Missionary. 

Off to Tarkwa we went this week for the beginning of Interviews in this next transfer cycle. 

So we got new missionaries in on Monday and then on Friday we had the trainers and the trainees come for their follow-up training that arrived last transfer.   There is such a change in them in only a few short weeks. 

...and the game is on.  We love to play Jeopardy to see how the missionaries are doing in their training. 

On December 22 we had a desert night for all the staff who help us at the Mission Home.  Bishop Lainge and his family came.  We are so grateful for all he does to help keep all the missionaries and us up and running!

We very much  appreciate our Assistants and Supply Elders who are always there for everyone in the mission.  

We actually took a tour of the Elmina Castle this week.  What an experience to hear and see  a part of the history of Ghana. 

Our Zone Leaders in Praso.  We were in Praso on Sunday and made a quick stop to the church and so grateful we got to see Elder Kabba and Nelson.  
Christmas morning at the Mission Home.  A Hillam tradition is to line up before going in to see our Christmas Stockings.  Our line was short this year but we had a wonderful day and were so grateful to recieve many Merry Christmas songs, texts and phone calls. Merry Chirstmas to All!