Sunday, November 5, 2017

A Spiritual Feast this Week!

The week began with the Follow up Trainers meeting.  It is amazing to see the growth that happens in a short period of time.  This group is doing great!

Our Assistants instructing on the First 12 Week Training.  

The Central Region of the mission with Elder and Sister Nash.  It was a Spiritual Feast as we were taught and inspired by Elder and Sister Nash.  The mission truly prayed and prepared for this and their testimonies and faith was strengthened.  

The Western Region of the mission with Elder and Sister Nash. 

Elder and Sister Clements are a team to create beautiful music. 

Mission Leader Council November 2017

Saturday and Sunday President and Sister Hillam traveled to Praso for the District Conference and the District Presidents wife loves to cook for the missionaries! It was so very very good!

The Praso Zone