Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Busy Transfer Week!

Our new Missionaries arrived from Accra amidst all the road construction and traffic.   So happy they all made it safe.  We have 21 new missionaries and we love them to pieces!  

Our New Missionaries November 2017

Their first lunch in the mission home.  Chicken Sandwich, plantain chips, apples,  and cookies.  

All 21 ready to move out this morning and meet their companions...a very exciting day for them. 

Here we are at the Ola chapel.  Those being transferred meet here and then head out to their new areas and new companions. 

What a day of emotions!  Here is our group heading home.  Powerful missionaries.  We will miss them so much but we know they are prepared to go forth and continue this great work.  

It is always wonderful to go to the temple.  We are missing  Elder Kazimoto but that is because he is already in the temple helping a new missionary from Komenda go to the temple.  

This weekend was the District Conference for Tarkwa.  The Sisters were able to have a quiet breakfast while the men attended the Priethood meeting in Axim.  We travelled to Axim on Friday, Tarkwa on Saturday and back to Takoradi Saturday also to prepare for the entire District to travel to Takoradi on Sunday for the sunday session of the conference.  It was wonderful to be with Elder and Sister Davies, the Missionary Presidency, the couple missionaries, the Elders and all the saints in the Tarkwa District. 

Our Tarkwa Zone