Sunday, June 7, 2020

This week we have had interviews with districts in Yamoransa, Takoradi, and Moree. We have also had 2 of our 3 Zone Conferences which is a miracle because we were thinking we would have 8 "mini" ones but the Ghana President announced that group sizes could be 100 now! We are thrilled to do our last zones conferences together. There is an outpouring of the spirit when these consecrated missionaries join together. The spirit directs these conferences and we are all edified! We love all our missionaries! We see changes, growth and the strength of their testimonies because we have chosen to center our lives upon the Savior. This is what brings us all eternal joy.

ZL's Elders Osaretin and Mahachi

Elders Nzungu instructing at District Council

Elders Nzungu and Chivandire

Talents of our New Missionaries 

Elders Tetteh and Conteh

ZL's Elders Quaisie and Nnanna

We had a NON CITIZEN Day!  This government office was actually open. 

As always for non citizen cards we do small waiting...but they do eventually print! 

Elders Bako and Dougbah

STL's Sisters Conteh and Adomako

Elders Mlambo and Asuquo

Sisters Lawal and Konde

Elders Guh and Muhlauyo

Sisters Nabaasa and Alicheorji

Sisters Koroma and Umoren

Elders Mensah and Castillo

STL's Sisters Onwukaeze, Tchongwe and Kitue

Cape Coast Zone

Elmina Zone and Assistants

Praso District

Elder Imende shared the Proclamation on the Restoration he had memorized

Tarkwa Zone

Mpintsin Zone

Takoradi Zone

This was also an exciting day as the Groom in this picture, President Quaisie we met when he served as a counselor in the Tarkwa District Presidency when we first arrived in Ghana and now we have his brother Elder Quaisie serving in the mission as one of our zone leaders.  

Some of our Congo Missionaries