Sunday, April 19, 2020

These are times to never be forgotten! We have still been able to move and go so we spent 3 days traveling back and forth to the Western Region to do interviews. We also were able to have a Finisher's Wanted meeting with those completing their missions in June. THEN...we found out that our Filipino and Polynesian missionaries were going back to their countries so on Friday we sent off 32 consecrated missionaries. It was a very sad day. We have loved each of our missionaries who have come to the Ghana Cape Coast Mission. We know that these missionaries will continue the work forward and be consecrated disciples of Jesus Christ. So, we had another transfer in the mission...we are grateful that our missionaries still here are able and willing to GO and DO!

Tanokrom Elders
Elders Aziatre and Rivera

Elders Tui'oneta and Tarfahn

Elders Ofem and Ignacio

Elders Ness and Amara

Elders Guh and Seau

Elders Fani and Naea

Elders Atienza and Mukendi

Elders Esseku and Zeca

Komenda District

Elders Ologe and Mariterangi

Remember what we discussed at the last "mini" Zone Conferences!

Sisters Basil and Conteh

Sisters Mettle-Nunoo and Ayeh

Sisters Acquah and Siaka

ZL's Elders Antonio and Benson

Elders Katende and Amarante

Sister Conteh instructing at District Council

Finisher's Wanted - June 2020 

Elders Vakameilalo, Vakauta, Asada

Our Filipino Elders - We love you!  Safe Journey home Elders! 

Elder Mariterangi - our French Polynesian Missionary!  We love you!
Our Samoan Elders! We will miss you-We love you! 

Our 3 Elders from Fiji- Safe Journey home!   Love you!
Elder Danielson - Our only Australian -  We love you!  Safe Journey!

Elders Benson and Tausi from Papua New Guinea.  Keep the light shining.  We love you!

Our Tongan Elders!  Remember to stand at the tree!  We love you and will miss all of you! 

Our Vakauta cousins or they say "brothers"

It took 5 vans to transport these Elders. We were grateful for the legal documents, hand sanitizer and masks that are showing us being good neighbors and citizens. 

With 32 missionaries leaving we had another transfer!

New Leader Training Meeting

Interviews continued ... Elders Quibe, Sesay and Muhai

Sisters Apenteng and Nyan