Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mission Life has changed this past week in so many ways. The week began somewhat normal, with interviews, and then the group calls, emails, texts and phone calls began. The Ghana Cape Coast Mission is in the changing stages. We said Good-bye to Elder and Sister Gardner. We pulled a couple of all nighters to send missionaries on their way home only to have one group come back. Many tears have been shed with our missionaries. This definitely has been a week to listen and to follow our leaders. We pray for each of you and your families. We know that we have been so blessed and we pray a safe return home to all of our missionaries!

Elder and Sister Gardner served in the Tarkwa District.  We want to thank them with all our heart for changing people's lives and for the love and support we have felt from them.  Safe Travels.  We love you!

Our wonderful couples of the mission-Sorensens, Gardners and Archibalds!  We are so grateful for all your continued love and support and help through this time with the Coronavirus. 

Elders Bako and Ologe

Elders Musasa and Parker

Rebecca continues to bless us with her help at the mission home.  Can you believe they can carry things like this? It is a box for her little girl, Melanie.

Elders Cook and Ngalula

Sisters Konde and Obaretin

Elders Gandaho and Woolner

Sisters Casaco and Jalloh

Elders Wilkins and Wolfgramm

Elders Hamel and Andersen

District Council

The cast is coming OFF, and into a walking boot.  Did you know just soaking your foot in a bucket works great!

Role Plays please!   Great job!

Elders Weech and Osaretin

ZL's Elders Groesbeck and Wawe

Sisters Inyang and Nabaasa

Sisters Udoh and Onwukaeze

Our First group scheduled to they thought?

Final thoughts from President Hillam

The group left at 4 am and by the time some came in from outer parts of the mission, the Elders just grabbed a mattress pad and slept for a few hours in the Insitute Building.

Well this group left but only 4 got on planes.  After an all night and an all day...they came back!

We also started to receive our Ghanaian Missionaries coming to the Ghana Cape Coast Mission from all over Africa! 

Sunday Morning our Ivorians left by bus at 4 am and picked up others along the way to cross the boarder before it was closing tonight at midnight!

Our Brazilians, Elders Aquino and Barreto left early this morning to get their flights and they were able to board!

The first American left at 3:30 pm to make 11 pm flights.  They all cleared customs and are on their way!  

Let us know when you get home!  

We want everyone in the mission to know we love you.  How grateful we are to each of you here and at your homes for your love and support.  We feel the love of our Heavenly Father!