Saturday, March 7, 2020

Friday and Saturday we were in Takoradi with the Tarkwa, Takoradi and Mpintsin Zones for their Zone Conference. We are grateful for the outpouring of the spirit felt this week in the Zone Conferences. We see the Lord's hand in this important work. We had the opportunity to do some interviewing also and it was a great way to end this week! We are grateful to see how these missionaries are teaching each other and how they are dedicating and striving to fulfill their calling as missionaries, "Invite others to come unto Christ."

Tarkwa Zone - March 2020

Takoradi Zone - March 2020

Mpintsin Zone - March 2020

Gathering for Zone Conference

Thank you for making things so nice for the Conference! 

To end the week of Zone Conferences we were blessed to have Elder and Sister Gardner share their testimonies with us. 

Elder and Sister Gardner have been such a blessing to the mission and we will be missed!  

Assistants instructing at Zone Conference

Sisters Conteh and Akpan

Sisters Siaka and Nkansah

Elders Packer and Benson

ZL's Elders Reed and Crofts