Sunday, February 9, 2020

As we travelled through the Western Region this past week we have noticed that Harmattan is slowly leaving. It has been the thickest we have seen in the time we have been in Ghana! We had our couples conference also during the week. How grateful we are for the 2 couples we have. We had a wonderful time together. On Saturday and Sunday we were blessed with the opportunity of being with Elder and Sister Nash, our Africa West Area President. It was a blessing to be a part of the Mpintsin Stake Conference. Each day we are grateful to be a part of this great work. We have the best missionaries and we love them! We are also grateful for the prayers of family and friends. We feel those prayers of love and support. Thank you!

Elders Rivera and Kama

Sister Apenteng and Kouame

Elders Vili and Sesay

Elders Asuquo and Castillo

Sisters Kitue and Narh

Elders Owusu and Edem

Elders Fifita and Nzweme

STL's Sister Adebiyi and Tchongwe

Elders Emilio and Muhlauyo

Elders Amara and Ofem

Elfers Effiong and Seau

These are just growing in the backyard of one of the Missionaries apartments!  The tree was full of Avacado's or as they are called in Ghana, Pears!

Axim District

Elders Amarante and Bennion

Elders Child and Cox

Elders Titi Setu and Wawe

Elders Mlambo and Tau'aika

Nkroful District

The Couples of the Ghana Cape Coast Mission - Elder and Sister Gardner and Elder and Sister Sorensen!  We are so grateful for their service.  We could not do this without their love and support! 

This is where this village holds school. They were divided into 3 sections.  Elementary, Middle and High School! 

Sister Conteh and Akpan

Elders Chivandire and Benson

Sisters Obaretin and Nkansah

ZL's Elders Crofts and Pane'e

Elders Marveles and Dougbah

Sister Leadership of the Mpintsin Stake.  Sister Nash led a great training session with these beautiful dedicated sisters!  

Mpintsin Stake Conference 

At the end of the conference Elder Nash brought up all the children and youth he had shook hands with and it was powerful when talking about how the Savior ministered to the children.  The new programs in the church for the primary age and youth will change their lives here in Ghana!  Grateful to a living prophet who leads this church and continues to receive revelation for each of us in our lives!