Sunday, December 8, 2019

DECEMBER Transfer! This is one exciting week! It takes 3 days to do the transfer but that includes receiving and sending missionaries, moving the mission and doing the training of new leaders. Let the fun begin...

December Departing Group.  We will miss these wonderful missionaries.  How grateful we are for their service.  Stay in touch and remember to stay strong and faithful!  We love you! 
We appreciate the Assistants! They are the quiet giants that just get in and go to work! 
We are grateful for Elder and Sister Anderson's service in the Twifo Praso District. 

Very early for our departing missionaries.  We are grateful for their service in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission. 

New Missionaries from 14 different countries...Nigeria, Philippines, USA, Brasil, Mozambique, Australia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, South Africa, DR Congo, American Samoa, Uganda, Ghana, Fiji!  

In this mission we...teach repentance and baptize converts?

Our new missionaries and trainers!  Wow we are blessed!