Sunday, March 31, 2019

The transfer week continues...

The most exciting part is to find out who the new missionaries companion is!  Here are the trainers and trainees! 
...out to the parking lot for transfers...

...our new leader training meeting happens the same day as transfers and here are the new STL's, DL's and ZL's!  Let's go to work!

Interview begin again...Sisters Damsa and Adomako 

Elders Igberi and Bohlen

Elders Antopina and Ukah

Elders Etukudo and Benard

MLC also happens on Friday.  All leaders are ready to go for this transfer. 

MLC March 2019

ZL's Elders Mbyui and Abel

We had a great day worshipping in Mfum and Sister Hillam has a new friend named Helen.  She is 2! 

Elders Singer and Egemba

Elders Laiafi and Lauti

Sisters Koroma and Onwukaeze

Sisters Adebiyi and Ayeh

Elders Ochs and Asiegbu