Sunday, March 10, 2019

MISSION TOUR WEEK...with Elder and Sister Nash. (Area President of the Africa West Area) This was an amazing week. Our missionaries were absolutely the BEST. Words cannot express the spirit that was present in the Conferences held on Wednesday and Thursday and then MCL on Friday. We walked into all the meetings and every missionary was present and they were studying! They had been there so early in preparation for these special meetings and we felt the spirit so strong as we met together. These are times never to be forgotten! We know that the Lord continues to bless this work in the Cape Coast Mission.

Assin Fosu, Yamoransa, Cape Coast, Praso, and Assin Fosu South Zones- Wednesday March 6, 2019

We had a beautiful Quartet in the morning session (Elders Crofts, Barton, Reed and Cheney. Accompanied by Elder Asiegbu) but we did not catch a picture (sorry). We did get a picture of our Praso Zone Choir in the afternoon session!  We are so grateful for your willingness to help bring the spirit!  
Tarkwa, Elmina, Mpintsin and Takoradi Zones. Thursday March 7, 2019

We had a beautiful piano solo by Elder Buckhannon in the morning(recorded it but no picture, sorry)  and the choir was from the Kojokrom District.  Thank you so much, all was wonderful! 

On Friday Morning, the MLC gathered and we were taught  from Elder Nash.  So many wonderful things ahead for the mission

As the week was coming to a close, we presented Elder and Sister Nash with the picture of our Sisters and the Book of Mormon challenge from the prophet.  Elder and Sister Nash were able to see more things in the western region of mission and the growth that we know we happen.  

As the sun set on the final night together we realized the many blessings that we have been blessed with in this mission and how our missionaries bless our lives and everyone in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission.  Now, "Let us all Press on...."