Sunday, September 30, 2018

We have often had to ask ourself, "Where did the week go?" Literally so much happens and if we remember to take pictures it is just crazy to look back just 1 week and see what has been going on in the mission. A trip to Accra, interviews, 2 Zone Conferences, Coordination Council meetings and the exciting list goes on... We are so grateful for each missionary and the love and support from families and friends. We are all in this great work together!

Our Assistant, Elder Andreasen left for home Monday.  We want to thank him and wish him all the best.   He spent quite a lot of time going in and out of the door behind him!

We wanted to include this picture because...ACCRA HAS A NEW AIRPORT!  It is very nice and easy to navigate through!  Hip Hip Hoorah! 
This picture is just a reminder for those missionaries at home what Ghana is all about!  We love the land, people and all that makes Ghana a part of us! 

Komenda - Elders Buckhannon and Reed

Kissi - Elders Moreno and Shultz

Working Together!

We were taught by President Hillam in Zone Conference about Team Work! 

We are one mighty force doing the Lord's work here in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission!

Komenda - Elders Bingham and Piutau

Kissi - Elders Gebreyohannes and Omeregie

Elders in the Yamoransa District - Elders Hlongwane and Addi and Zone Leaders - Elders Wilson and Phiri