Sunday, June 10, 2018

The end of a transfer and the beginning of another! We are grateful for our missionaries who have made a difference. We are blessed to see changes in lives and are excited for what comes next. Everyday we see miracles in the lives of the missionaries and people here in Ghana.

We have 3 countries these missionaries are from.  Nigeria, England and Liberia.  We want to wish them all the best!  We love you and pray for your success and continued efforts in furthering the work of the Lord!

The final dinner...

...President Hillam's Final council...

...our Assistants...

...our "going home" missionaries after testimony meeting.  
Our New Missionaries arrival on June 5, 2018. Welcome to the Ghana Cape Coast Mission!
The first dinner?  Of course it would be.....chicken and rice!

Elder Fitch's instruction on the finances for the missionaries!

The walk to "The Hill"

More training for the missionaries at the Ola Chapel.....but then finally....."MY TRAINER is...

The Trainers and Trainees for June 2018

Transfer Day is here....

Following the transfer we begin the New Leader Training meeting.  We have a great group of Leaders that will help to continue the vision of the mission!  

This transfer we begin the interviews right here in Cape Coast with the Sister Training Leaders from the Cape Coast District.
The Elders from the Achiasi District the day of their baptism.

Abura  Sisters

Abura Sisters 
Abura Sisters
These are the bananas off our banana tree!  We are so excited and we gave some away and then have made banana bread!  These banana's in Ghana are delicious! 

Ola Sisters

Ola Sisters

Our Follow Up Training was on Friday.  Time is flying by.  These missionaries will be finished with their training in just a few more weeks.  WOW!

Follow Up Training Meeting June 2018

Moree Sisters

Supply Elders and Nkanfoa Elders.  Welcome aboard Elder Ricks as our new supply Elder!

Our Sister Training Leaders from Moree
The Yamoransa Elders...Love the teeth!  

Our friends along the stairs as we climbed MANY stairs to the Green Hill Chapel!

The Green Hill Elders