Sunday, May 6, 2018

MALARIA FREE for 4 months! This is huge accomplishment! It is a rule to take their doxy everyday and they are doing it! They are obedient and the blessings of health have been great. The rainey season has arrived and so they must be ever more diligent but we are so proud of each of them! This week has just zipped along and so many experiences to help our faith grow. With lots of interviews and MLC we see the hand of the Lord in each of their personal lives. We are blessed to know such incredible missionaries!

Sisters in the Tanokrom District

Elders in the Shama District

MLC - May 2018  --Thinking is good!

MLC  for May 2018

It was pouring rain and well, this is what they do to stay dry!  

Mankessim District

Mando District

Telecom District

Assin Foso District

The teams practice on the beach.  Their feet are so tough!  It builds great leg muscles running in the sand!

We watched Sister Fitch with these children gathered around her.  She did end up buying some plantain!

No kidding...this bee was huge and it wasn't the biggest we saw.  One of the primary children told me he catches them and they don't bite!  Not going to try it! 

Our convoy of trees.  These are the boat making trees of Ghana.  They come out of the north and are one of the most beautiful trees.  They look like the tree in the Animal Kingdom Park at Disney World!