Monday, April 30, 2018

The Monday of transfer week. All we can say is that it is SO hard to see these missionaries leave. We love them so much. This transfer we said good bye to 9 Sisters!

Our final dinner with the Sisters.  We were so happy to have our couples join in and the Assistants. 

We welcome Elder Andreasen as our new assistant and thank you for your help Elders!

Monday night following testimony meeting the scarves were presented to each sister and Sister Hillam gave them all big hugs!  It is one of her favorite things to do but she just cries!

Breakfast on the Tuesday morning of transfer week...5:30 am

The Sisters look great at 6 a.m.

The hard workers transfer morning. 

On their way!  We want to wish you all the best Sisters.  Thank you for your service.  Good Luck in all your future dreams and ambitions.  Always "Remember who you are and what you Stand For!"