Monday, April 30, 2018

TRANSFER WEEK...and the announcement of a NEW AREA in BOGOSO! It was approved by the area presidency to form a group! The following posts are transfer pictures, the beginning of interviews, our new sister missionaries (8) and our (9) sisters who went home. Enjoy all the exciting happenings in the mission this week.

April Transfers...

Elder Smith, President, Elder Tovela

Our new assistant Elder Andreasen...a fun picture.  It is what they do. 

The beginning of interviews for the next 6 weeks.  The Cape Coast Zone...

Yes, you see it here.  They decided to braid Sister Hillam's hair. (just a couple braids to see how it looked) It was fun.  

The Follow-Up Training meeting was on Friday.  This group is half way through their 12 week training.  It is a wonderful group of missionaries.  They had great insight into missionary work and companionship unity. 

Interview took us to the Tarkwa Zone...

Elders Tillman and Kenga ready for BOGOSO.

Elders Lutui and Smith also ready for BOGOSO.

Nkroful Elders

Essiama Elders

Essiama Elders

This is our little hut we stay in on top of a hill above the ocean. Last night the thunder and lightening was very loud! It was crazy! 

The six Axim Elders...

Now back in the Takoradi Zone for interviews....more from this zone next week.

Tuesday afternoon the new missionaries arrived. We welcomed 8 beautiful Sister Missionaries! They are so wonderful and excited. (maybe just a tiny bit nervous till they get their companion)

April Transfer - Welcome to the Ghana Cape Coast Mission

Hiking up to the Hill Cumorah

On top of the Hill Cumorah.  6:15 pm and the sun is setting fast.  Everyday, same time!

First dinner in the Mission Home.  Rice and Chicken anyone?

Our new sisters enjoing dinner after a day of is just beginning Sisters!

More Training with the trainers...

and more...

Time to meet your new companion...yes your trainer!

April Transfer...New Sisters and their Trainers.

The Monday of transfer week. All we can say is that it is SO hard to see these missionaries leave. We love them so much. This transfer we said good bye to 9 Sisters!

Our final dinner with the Sisters.  We were so happy to have our couples join in and the Assistants. 

We welcome Elder Andreasen as our new assistant and thank you for your help Elders!

Monday night following testimony meeting the scarves were presented to each sister and Sister Hillam gave them all big hugs!  It is one of her favorite things to do but she just cries!

Breakfast on the Tuesday morning of transfer week...5:30 am

The Sisters look great at 6 a.m.

The hard workers transfer morning. 

On their way!  We want to wish you all the best Sisters.  Thank you for your service.  Good Luck in all your future dreams and ambitions.  Always "Remember who you are and what you Stand For!"