Sunday, March 11, 2018

For the last few days we have been blessed to have Elder and Sister Nash here! Today Sister Nash and Sister Hillam took a few minutes in Primary. What fun for them! We love Elder and Sister Nash and their example of love, dedication and service! What a wonderful spirit they have! It was a great way to end this week, a week of our 2 last zone conferences for this transfer and MLC. Our missionaries are inspiring and we love them to pieces!

Sister Hillam loves being with the Primary children!

Sister Nash and Sister Hillam with their new friends.  They were so beautiful!  They just wanted to learn! They were beautiful singers!

Sister Nyangoma and Mothami, our STL's, in the Cape Coast Zone Conference teaching about unity in the companionship.

The Cape Coast Zone Leaders Elder Osei and Momoh

Cape Coast Zone March 2018

Mission Leader Council March 2018

All the above pictures were the Assistants, Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders. 

Off to Praso for their Zone Conference...

Zone Leaders Elders Nelson and Kabba...

Three of our French speaking Elders,  (now also English speaking Elders).  We have witnessed time and time again the gift of tongues in this mission.  It is so incredible to see these miracles!

Praso Zone March 2018

Our Follow-Up Training meeting. 

These Elders are incredible!  Just one transfer of training and it is wonderful to see all the changes.  This group is amazing as you see these Elders and the diversity of the mission.  In this picture which is so remarkable ...we have 4 different countries represented - Liberia, America, Tonga and D.R. Congo! All Brothers in the service of the Lord!