Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The best blessing for us to be with our MISSIONARIES! We were able to get some of the companionships pictures but we need reminders because we get visiting and forget! They said their Moms check out the blog so these are for some of those Moms. We want to thank you for sending your missionary to Ghana!

Our Kissi and Komenda Districts 

We love bringing the Leaders together for MLC.  

The inspiration and implimentaion  of councils is amazing. We love the input of the mission council.

MLC February 2018

Serving in the Shama District in the Western Region. Thanks Elders! 

We had an adult training for the Tarkwa District.  The distace is far so we held 2 sessions.  One in each location.   We had a fantastic turn out and the training for these adults was excellent.  We are so grateful for our members in this area. 

2 of our Axim Elders.  (forgot to get the others...next time)

We do eat when we travel.  This is a fun restaurant that looks out over the ocean in the light of day. We appreciated the help of the Fitch's and the Nelson's in the training.  They are all very experienced with their years of service in the church!

Off to Tarkwa next and the mighty Tarkwa District.  

So let's explain...today was the Mankessim Zone Conference.  There was a bad rain storm (which we loved and needed) and it brought out fun friends.  This was one of them!

The day was great and the chicken and rice tasted pretty good!  It is a standard meal here in Ghana.

Today was a wonderful conference with instruction from the Zone Leaders on Effective teaching. The role playing was great and here the Elders are reading and studying about Faith!

The first Mankessim Zone picture.  GO ELDERS!   February 2018

We love to see this...off they go as dedicated servants of the Lord.  Thank you Elders. We love each of our missionaries across the mission for their devotion to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Have a wonderful week!