Saturday, December 2, 2017

Along the roads of Ghana...This week was interviews and the beginning of the Christmas Zone Conferences. Those pictures will come next week after all the zones have come to the mission home. Happy December is here!

And so they walked the streets of Ghana...

and they walked in haste...

and we are so happy to see our Missionaries.  Love your hats Elder Doh and Lazo!

This was an absolutely gorgeous sunset.  We are not sure that this picture does justice to it!

Our Praso Elders Mapetla, Kabba, Kiiza and Brown

Zone Leaders Kabba and Kiiza

Elders Belnap, Asiegbu, Owens and Brown

These Elders are with a Sister who has now entered the MTC heading to Nigeria!  She will do great.  We only wish she could have stayed in the Cape Coast Mission!