Sunday, October 22, 2017

Our primary children only have 1 way to put  the books away! 

Our Creature Feature...

This man is making Kentey cloth.  Very popular in Ghana. 

President Hillam trying his first coconut water...

...And 2nd and 3rd  and more!  We had so much fun in Adiembra eating and tasting coconut, cocoa, watching young men climb trees to get the coconut, plus seeing a fish pond. This was a wonderful time between interviews with the missionaries.  We appreciated Elder Berg and Bayles sharing part of their day with us.  

Young children also enjoying the coconut.

"Lights along the Shore"  This is our Cape Coast shoreline as the sun is coming up!

Some of our Praso Elders.  We are missing our Dunkwa Elders but we will see them soon. 

The rainy season is not over and these are not small puddles to go through.

Our Cute Sisters in Mankessim.  

Trying hard not to have it fall over. 

Some of our awesome missionaries in Assin Foso. 

Our "fun and smiley" sisters in Assin Foso

We love our Elders to pieces!

Our baptismal font in Kissi

Our Elders in Kissi and Komenda.  A wonderful day for our Elders in Komenda.