Sunday, October 29, 2017

Dedication of the GHANA MTC/Mission President Seminar

Tuesday was incredible.  We were able to attend the dedication of the MTC.  Elder Bednar was here and the spirit was so strong.  It was such a great experience to be with the other 15 Mission Presidents and Wives from the Africa West Area.  Following the dedication in the morning we spent the afternoon in training and discussion with Elder Bednar.  We are so grateful to be led by a prophets, seers and revelators!

We were able to take a tour of the MTC.  Some of us decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator.  The door was locked when we got to the 3rd floor.  They stuck a key under the door but it did not work.  We turned around and went back down only to find it locked at the bottom too!  We had a great laugh and they did come and rescue us!  

This just made for even a better Tuesday.  We got to eat lunch with all our missionaries that will be arriving to our mission in about 10 days!  It was so much fun!  

We took pictures at both ends of the table because the Ghana Cape Coast Missionaries filled the entire 3 tables.  We are excited to be welcoming 20 new missionaries.  They had only just arrived to the MTC.   4 days! (Our French speakers have been there for 2 weeks) 

On fun thing we did while in Accra was to take a tour of a large castle built for commerce and trade.  It is in the resortaion stage. 

Dining Room.  The Preisident of Ghana and Forengn Dignitaries would come to visit. They had to have a nice place to dine! 

The structure sits right on the ocean.  The scenery was gorgeous.  Especially just as the sun was going down. 

This is a tunnel that leads from the market area to the castle.  It had branches off it that led to large estates.  

One evening they had some special entertainment...African Style!

MTC President and Wife.  We love President and Sister Brubaker. 

President and Sister Cosgrave from the Kumasi Mission.
The Mission President Seminar was a time to be instructed by our leaders.  We were so blessed to hear their counsel, excitement and testimony of this great work we are all involved in.  How grateful we are to be a part of this special time for Africa! 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Our primary children only have 1 way to put  the books away! 

Our Creature Feature...

This man is making Kentey cloth.  Very popular in Ghana. 

President Hillam trying his first coconut water...

...And 2nd and 3rd  and more!  We had so much fun in Adiembra eating and tasting coconut, cocoa, watching young men climb trees to get the coconut, plus seeing a fish pond. This was a wonderful time between interviews with the missionaries.  We appreciated Elder Berg and Bayles sharing part of their day with us.  

Young children also enjoying the coconut.

"Lights along the Shore"  This is our Cape Coast shoreline as the sun is coming up!

Some of our Praso Elders.  We are missing our Dunkwa Elders but we will see them soon. 

The rainy season is not over and these are not small puddles to go through.

Our Cute Sisters in Mankessim.  

Trying hard not to have it fall over. 

Some of our awesome missionaries in Assin Foso. 

Our "fun and smiley" sisters in Assin Foso

We love our Elders to pieces!

Our baptismal font in Kissi

Our Elders in Kissi and Komenda.  A wonderful day for our Elders in Komenda.  

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A week of wonderful adentures and interviews...

This young man had all sorts of car parts in his wagon he was pulling along....Happy as can be!

It is amazing what these wonderful people can carry on their heads.  These 2 are just having a lovely casual conversation! 

This was dedication all the way!  The rain was really coming down and they had 8 a.m. interviews.  Here they are in their rain gear!  We laughed so hard as we opened the door and found our beautiful sisters!  Way to think outside the box  Sisters Aqwuoke, Brou-Baah, Isaac and Nagbe! We love it!

Elders Guillermo and Nikolaus
Elders Andreasen, Zakuani, Savage, Nelson, and Mease.   
Our Elders in the Yamoransa Zone.  Elders Nwichi, Etukudo, Assan and Chipapala!  Keep up the good work!

Elders Etim and Howard!  Got Elder Etim to Smile!

Elder Kallay and Apelu - our Zone Leaders in Yamoransa 
Here is Elder Okeke and he is training Elder Ochs

Elder Goodwill is training Elder Piestch.  They are doing great!

We received lots of new missionaries this last time and here is Elder Aluse and he is training Elder Bernard.

Just a small worm! NOT a Worm or small!

This is the water supply of a village.  It is very sacred to the village.  They have special  ceremonies weekly by this pond.  

President trying his hand at peeling cassava!

Our Elders receiving instruction from President Hillam in  Assin Foso.

Sister Anorue and Soda and Elder Riboldi and King from the Assin Foso Zone. 

Another creature feature.

Our Zone Leaders in Assin Foso.  Elders Kazimoto and Wilfred.  

Sisters Muyengwa and Ekpiken still smiling in the hot sun!