Sunday, August 20, 2017

August 19, 20 Off to Axim we go

On Saturday we drove out to Nkroful where President interviewed Elders Omoregie and Hamilton.  They have an amazing beautiful part of the mission.  One of the companionships in the distant part of the mission! 

President interviewed Elder Chavengwas and Addi who also are serving and working hard in Esiama which is located in the far western part of the mission.  Great job Elders!

A view along the coast by Axim.  Our beautiful Ghana!

We spent Sunday in the Axim Branch where miracles are happening.  These are our faithful and obedient Elders and couple serving in this part of the vineyard.  A day not to be forgotten!

Saturday was a National Day of Service in Ghana.  Our missionaries particiapated in it all over the mission.
Here are the Saints in Axim cleaning the hospital close to the chapel.  They began at 6 a.m. and then hurried home to clean up and come to their Branch Conference Adult session at 1 p.m.