Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday, July 16,2017

To day we headed to Assin Fosu for church.  This was the road we drove down and just around the corner  was the church. 
This was the church!  The saints were so welcoming and kind.  We love them all. 

President Hillam loves the chance to visit with the children.

These children took Sister Hillam through the bush to see their home, goats, chickens, dog and cat.   She has many new fiends!

Akonfudi Saints!

We headed west on a road from Assin Fosu to Praso and stopped part way to find a branch in Adiembra.   This branch was so excited to have us come.  They love  Elder Sullivan and Elder Berg.

The Road to Praso

This was our last stop before making the 2 hour trip back to Cape Coast.  It has been a wonderful day and one we will never forget.  The mission has been greatly blessed this week and we are so grateful to serve with the most incredible Elders and Sisters!