Sunday, July 30, 2017

Along the Coast.

We left Saturday to attend the Axim Branch.  This is the view from their Chapel.  It was absolutely gorgeous!

It was great to see Elder and Sister Clements and Elders Owens, Hess, Tovela and Suah.  Elder Tovela and Elder Suah are new to Axim and bore strong testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Sacrament meeting.   This was such a special treat to be with the saints.  

President Hillam with the Assistants Elder Young and Elder Masame

Elder Masame and Elder Young

President Hillam in front of the Axim Castle

Just a few sights along the 41/2 hour trip back to Cape Coast.  A beautiful day and an end to a fantastic week!

Return with Honor

A Final FOFO Dinner for our Elders and Sister returning home. 

Finish Strong is exactly what this group did! They completed their goals and worked hard to the end.   We are so grateful for their example and love they have for the people of Ghana.

Loaded on the bus and ready to go.

Their bus from behind.  A true way to travel in Ghana...things loaded inside and out!

Our group on the stairs of the Accra Temple.  This is such a sacred memory for them.  Now off to the airport and homeward bound.  We love you all and pray for your success.

Just getting off the bus....Our new missionaries!

Just waiting for the luggage from the top of the bus.

First group picture all together.  Some arrived from the Provo MTC and others from the Ghana MTC.

Sister Durrant doing her instruction to the new missionaries

Elder Durrant giving financial instruction.  We are so grateful for the Durrant's and all they do for the mission. 

Our 20 New Missionaries arrived on Monday!  They come from 9 different countries!

They arrived a day earlier and what a blessing to us to have them in the mission home for an extra day!

Our Assistants were a great help.  We had three for only a couple of days as Elder Warner was returning home.

The new July 2017 Missionaries.  Welcome to The Cape Coast Mission.  

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Week of July 17

This is the landscape looking out from the church where we met with the Shama District for interviews with President,  instruction from Elder Tietjen the district leader,  the Assistants and Sister Hillam.

The Shama District in the Mpintsin Zone

Elder Smith the District Leader from the Mpintsin Zone instructing while  President was interviewing.

The Kojodrom District

The Mpintsin District

The Sekondi District in the Takoradi Zone.

The Tanokrom District in the Takoradi Zone

The Takoradi District in the Takoradi Zone

President Hillam's first FUFU!

They are all loving it!  

We love the meetings at the mission home. 

Transfer time is an exciting time in the mission.   Our new trainers have just finished their training.  We all await the new missionaries arriving this week! We know they are coming to the best mission! 

Yes the shipment arrived but that is not all ours.  We were just one of their stops.  It was like Christmas opening up the boxes. We appreciated the help of the Elders!   

Future Priesthood Leaders in Ghana

Looking out from the School where the Komenda Branch meets for church.

Elders Manyayi and Knecht in Komenda

Primary in Komenda.  We learned about How we got the Book of Mormon.  They loved learning the song, "Book of Mormon Stories"

The Komenda Branch.  The Branch loves Elders Manyayi, Knecht, Park and Andreasen.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday, July 16,2017

To day we headed to Assin Fosu for church.  This was the road we drove down and just around the corner  was the church. 
This was the church!  The saints were so welcoming and kind.  We love them all. 

President Hillam loves the chance to visit with the children.

These children took Sister Hillam through the bush to see their home, goats, chickens, dog and cat.   She has many new fiends!

Akonfudi Saints!

We headed west on a road from Assin Fosu to Praso and stopped part way to find a branch in Adiembra.   This branch was so excited to have us come.  They love  Elder Sullivan and Elder Berg.

The Road to Praso

This was our last stop before making the 2 hour trip back to Cape Coast.  It has been a wonderful day and one we will never forget.  The mission has been greatly blessed this week and we are so grateful to serve with the most incredible Elders and Sisters!