Sunday, August 23, 2020

We are home! After 29 hours we landed in Idaho Falls. We were so excited to come off the plane and hear our grandchildren cheering. The next morning we got an even bigger shock as we answered the front door of our home and their stood our son and his family who arrived from St. Louis. All together again! What a feeling of pure joy! We have had quite a week getting all the computer stuff, wifi, phones and all that put together but now the last week of our mission can be added. It was crazy with transfers, moving, training and all that goes into leaving a life you have lived for 3 + years! We have grown to love Africa, its people, the Ghana Cape Coast Mission and especially our missionaries. It will forever be in our hearts. Our homecoming will be done on zoom on the 30th. We will send a link when we know. Love you all!

Idaho Falls Airport - August 14, 2020

Our fantastic couples of the mission! 

The Office Crew!  Archibald's, Sorensen's, Elders Moyce, Effiong, Makengo and Ofem

4 special books assembled by Sister Sorensen of all the missionaries.  A treasure for us! 

Tuesday morning - Our departing Ghanaian missionaries

Tuesday afternoon - Packing day

All done by 5 pm - miracle of miracles!

Wednesday Transfer day

We held a small meeting with all the missionaries right before they left to their new area's and I presented President with his scarf.  A mission tradition! 

To the end...the new leader training time

Wednesday at 5:30 we welcomed President and Sister Morrison and boys to the GREATEST MISSION IN THE WORLD!