Sunday, January 27, 2019

We just got back to Cape Coast after spending about 9 days in the Western Region with all the missionaries serving there. It was incredible to be with the members in the Tarkwa district for a couple of Sundays! How the Saints love the missionaries and how the missionaries love the Saints! We are so grateful for all of them!

We finally were able to have our Follow Up training for this group!  We have been trying to get their Non-Citizen cards and so they had to make 2 trips to Takoradi but we got it done!  Thank you all!

Sisters Demie and Ekpah-Krakani

Elders Abel and Nielson

District Councils and lots of Role Plays!

Sisters Onwukaeze and Swaray

Sisters Kolie and Tommy

Elders Bingham and Doh

Elders Muhlauyo and Nnanna

Elders Lazo and Osaretin

Sister Massaquoi and Nanjura

STL's Sisters Bindity and Nnaluo

Elders Sagario and Effiong

Sisters Daniel and Kamba

Elders Kinikini and Traveller

Elders Egemba and Adou

ZL's Elders Lee and Piutau

Elders Teah and Brown

Elders Asada and Oteng

Elders Bell and Brown

Elders Suah and Bazolo

Elders Massaquoi and Seymore

Elders Guillermo and Quist

Elders Akerele and Vakameilalo

Elders Homero and Yablonovsky

Elder Ball and Mapetla

STL's Sisters Tra and Eshun

Sunday, January 20, 2019

This week has been fantastic with interviews from Assin Fosu to Tarkwa. It is exciting to hear of the miracles and faith promoting experiences that are taking place with the missionaries. There are many people here in Ghana ready to hear the gospel!

The tow trucks in Ghana! 

District Council role plays

Elders Madilu and Effiong

Elders Wilson and Malamala

Elders Elliott and Butters

Sisters Umoren and Odonkor

Elders Woolner and Rebelatto

Sisters Kouadio and N'sele

Elders Tucay and Kuteka

Elders Emilio and Makengo

Elders Moreno and N'cho

Elders Vakauto and Lund

Elders Eisenmann, Benard and Nemet

Elders Mease and Maigwa

Elders Ogar and Ukah

Sisters Bilolo and Saika

As we were at the Yamoransa Stake Center, right at dusk, these clouds started to roll over head.  It was awesome. 

It was fun to have Elder and Sister Eaton come with their daughter and granddaughter to the mission home.  They are all from Idaho!  

Elders Antopina and Palaiti

Sisters Nakasi and Omoregie

Sisters Akpa and Koroma

Sisters Media and Inyang

Elders Wendel and Mortimer

Elders Kainesie and Berry

Sisters Camoes and Adebiyi

Sisters Mutoka and Tokpah

Mother and Daughter activity

Lots of these around the area!

Elders Fukofuka and Gandaho

Elders Pietsch and Rasmussen

Elders Lofen and Lutui

Elders Conteh and Ofem

Elders Noukounon and Buckhannon

Elder and Sister Gardner

Brand new BIG machines moving into Tarkwa!