Sunday, May 27, 2018

This past week was a spiritual feast at Mission Presidents seminar. We were instructed by prophets, seers and revelators. How grateful we are to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. We are all engaged in the Plan of Happiness.

We had the opportunity to see a couple of Elders from Idaho Falls serving in the Acrra Missions.

When driving around Ghana you find that some villages have different items that they make lots of or food items they have plenty of.  We found stretches of the road that had pots and asanka bowls.  LOTS of them. 

It is interesting that the clouds really give an indication of where a storm is coming from and when it will hit.  

When the wind and dirt began to blow it almost looked like a ground blizzard.  The storm! The water came down so fast and at times there was only 1 lane open for cars as the drains could not handle the rushing water.  The market closed down very fast and people disappeared from the streets and roads! 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

What a week of excitement! One thing for sure...IT IS ALL TRUE! Lives are changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is so exciting to see the eyes, smile and all over sparkle as you hear of what blessings have come into ones life because of sacrifice and service. The example to us is our 196 missionaries! We are so grateful for each of them!

Just a stroll in the park? Maybe the bush or jungle is a better way to say it!

Breakfast and yes did someone say YOGA?

So fun to visit district meetings this week and see all the role playing.  Way to go!

Role playing is the way to be fantastic teachers!

Akonfundi district

Telecom District

This was the tiniest bee I have ever seen!

We are laughing at this because they are finally bringing it down after soooo long! 

Kojokrom District

Kojokrom sisters plus our STL's

Takoradi District

Mpintsin District

Sekondi District

Achiasi District

A visitor at the mission home.  So colorful! It looked like it was painted on!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day! We want all of our Mother's to know how much we love you and appreciate sending us amazing sons and daughters! This week has been wonderful because we have been out with the missionaries and hearing about their area's. The rainy season has come and it has been just a little wet! The bush/jungle is beautiful after the rain.

Just a small dinner to say goodby to one of our Elders heading to Samoa! 

Green Hill Elders

Best of Luck Elder Solia.  Safe Journey on your long trip home!  

The rains have come, nothing like Idaho!

Finisher's Wanted....Elder Kinzana is the lone Elder in this group!

This group of powerful sisters and elder have set some great personal and group goals.  GO to Work!  Time is so precious!

Interviews of the Cape Coast District

Kissi District Elders

Elmina District Elders!

We had the fun experience of attending a fireside for the Praso Branch done by the Praso District.  

It was great instruction and fun games!  Good Job!

Nysnasi Elders

Praso Elders 

Our road to Dunkwa!  2 hours in 4 Wheel Drive! 

Dunkwa Elders

Hemang District

Had fun walking through the bush to find a few homes on a Sunday evening!