Sunday, March 25, 2018

Benson in the name of the newest Hillam grandchild. Mom, baby Benson, 2 big sisters and dad are doing great! Blessings have come to so many missionaries and members this week. Lives are being changed. Goals are being met. We see a very powerful team and family we have in the Cape Coast Mission. We also especially see the power in the extended family across the world that pray for their children and the mission! Thank you!

Asebu Elders

Abakrampa Elders

Ola Sisters

Bakano Elders

Finisher's Wanted.  President instructs on how to keep going to the end!

Could it be time?  Not yet.  They have a few weeks to finish their missions and they can make their goals!  Go and Do.

Elder Momoh, Solia and Williams- countries represented are Africa, Samoa and England!  

Sister Wiah, Udo and Anorue.
Breku Elders

Sisters in Akonfudi District

Akonfudi Elders

We had these 2 companionships join us at the mission home for a few hours.  So grateful for their smiles!   The Akrofuom Elders and...

Two Elders from the Mankessim District!  Great Job Elders!

The gathering for the Praso District Conference yesterday and today. 

Service...our missionaries do it the best!

Yes, even the mission presidency does role playing!  

Our Praso companionships!  The Praso district is growing and these are hard working missionaries.

Elder Bassey will be getting a brand new companion soon...just finishing learning some English in the MTC!

Our Praso Zone Leaders Elders Nelson and Osei.

The Praso Zone.  We almost added the crazy picture but everyone was covering each other up from laughing so much!

The Praso Zone was so blessed to be fed lunch on both days of the conference.  We love Sister Johnson and thank her for the delicious meals!  

There is LOTS of people in this TRO!  They come to conference in a bus, tro's and taxi's.  Some ride for hours!  We love to see them all come.  

Sunday, March 18, 2018

We are so happy to announce the birth of our GRANDSON. He arrived yesterday in Omaha, Nebraska. It is so exciting to know that we are a family forever! We don't have a name yet but maybe later today! What a fantastic week in the mission! It was transfer week. We divided this posting up because of all the pictures. So sad to have our seasoned Elders and Sister leave but glad to have the new ones come. So here are some of the events of the week..

Sister Soda and Plegnon trying to stay out of the sun.  It was really warm the day of transfers.

Transfers arrive and for a few minutes they can see other missionaries and then they are off and running!

The new leadership called and trained the same day as transfers.  They are ready to go!

Sister Hillam has her birds that join her in the mornings at the mission home.

Interviews begin....Sisters Willie and Kalokoh

New companionships and friendships are formed

Sekondi District in the Takoradi Zone

Zone Leaders in the Takoradi Zone

One of the greatest blessings is to have personal interviews with their mission president.

Sister Wiah and Ngekia

Takoradi Stake Leaders, Elder Kaku and Stake Patriarch with President Hillam

Sister Training Leaders ... Sister Ogbonna and Agwuoke

We cam across hundreds of BATS as we drove to the hotel.  It really was cool! 

Our Elders in the Takoradi Zone...