Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Historic Day in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission.

Today 2 of our Mission Branches became part of the Ghana Cape Coast Stake.  The Kissi and Komenda Branches that have grown so much will now become part of a Stake of Zion and will continue to be led by wonderful leaders.  It will not be long and these branches will be wards!

Zone Conference and Interviews. It is what we do! To be with our missionaries is very powerful. The contributions they make in meetings and councils are inspiring! We had a great week!

Some of our incredible Sisters in the Yamoransa Zone

This zone conference has group activities on one of the Doctrines of Christ.  

A great time to study and then come together in council of what the scriptures teach us. 

Our Sister Trainer Leaders help to instruct on important principles from the handbook.  

This was so awesome to see the missionaries lined up outside having lunch!

Time for LOTS of role playing!

Our Yamoransa Zone leaders instruct on important aspects of teaching. 

The Yamoransa Zone   February 2018

Love the Sisters!  

We travelled up to the Assin Foso Zone to do some interviewing.  These sisters have  "beautiful Smiles" as Presisent Hillam would say!

All the Elders in this District were just so happy!  (I made sure they smiled extra big for their Moms!)

Great Hats Elders!  We encourage hats in the hot sun and heat but...we embrace the HEAT!

Instruction were given from President outside the apartment because the power was off and so the fans would not work.  This was wonderful though because of a nice breeze!

Our Sisters in the Bankano District!  Great personal Dress Consultants!

Elders Hamilton, Nelson and Lauti enjoying the stroll from the mission home to find a taxi back to their area.  

Sister Trainer Leaders in the Cape Coast Zone.  Sisters Mothami and Nyangoma.

...and here we have the happy Elders from the Cape Coast Zone.  It was a joy having them in the mission home for their interviews.  They can make you laugh for sure!  

Sunday, February 18, 2018

9 Sisters attended Finisher's Wanted! Wow. The week has been full of excitement! Zone Conference, interviews to the north and west and also a wonderful Stake Conference in Mpintsin!

Finisher's Wanted!

Sisters Stanley, Okaiteye and Isaac.

Sisters Nyangoma, Oladijo, and Edadi

Sisters French, Ajike, and Mkhize

What an amazing group of Sisters!

Their goals are set high and they will work hard and smart to the end! 

Off we went to the Assin Foso Zone.  Elders Petersen and Ukpabio

Elders Quist and Mease

Elders Adam, Bell, Tucay and Omoregie

Sisters Juru and Williams

Elders Bazolo and Riboldi

Sisters Agwuoke and Ete

Sisters Awor and Isaac.  President was there to do an interview and Sister Hillam got to be with the Sisters as they taught a great Book of Mormon lesson.  So Fun!

Sister Okaiteye on an exchange with Sister Stanley (also TC's)  That means the same MTC group!

Sisters Ngekia, Wiah, Nagbe and Akakpo

Takoradi Zone Leaders Elders Kiiza and Mashale

Elders Seymore and Aluse (love the smiles Elders!)

Sisters Udo and Plegnon

We woke up Sunday morning to this wonderful rain storm.  It has been a long time coming and it was very welcomed!

Elders Oulai and Mortimer

The Scout Troop in Mpintsin.  This time President came prepare to inspect the troops.  Their was a flag raising, singing and pledge for the country of Ghana!  Great future Missionaries!

The Mpintsin Stake Conference- Feb 2018

Some of the missionaries in the Mpintsin Zone.