Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Sabbath Day in Ghana...

As we traveled to Praso today and on into the bush we came across how they number the villages.  We went through the #1 village and on through many more!  
We arrived at the village of Ntiamoah where the building (school house) is surrounded by cocoa trees!

Here is the school room where the group meets.
President Hillam is sitting by the District President, President Johnson and  Sister Johnson is leading the music.

Here is the Priesthood meeting!

Some of the wonderful members helping out with the new group in Ntiamoah.  This is such an exciting day for the village. 

Elder Bakula shared his testimony.  We are so grateful for his service.  He will be returning home this week. 
Primary for 23 children.  None of them are members yet!  We taught about reverence, faith, baptism and we sang.  They learned "I am a Child of God.'  So grateful for a translator. 

The children putting their chairs away! They learn young to carry everything on their heads.  These children are so beautiful!  We just loved them all.

Elder Durrant has a new office desk!

Elder and Sister Durrant are always so fun to drive with us on our adventures.  

The chickens love to join us and were fighting over breakfast.

This is how they wash their hands.  A great invention.

We left the village and headed over an exciting road to Kenkuase to see their building and village.  It was gorgeous and very much in the bush.

Here is our group in front of the Kenkuase building.  

Here are our brethern in front of the baptismal front which is in front of the building.  

Sister Sorenson and Durrant looking on.

This great young man was our translator in Primary and his farm surrounded the Kenkuase church and he was showing us the cocoa trees and picked a cocoa plant off the tree.  We tasted the little white insides.  A little slimy but is tasted like a sour cherry.  It was great.  We learned all about how they make cocoa.  Ghana produces tons of cocoa.  

This is the village of Kenkuase just before the storm was about to hit.  They have no electricity yet.  We met the branch president and some of the members.  The village was so warm and welcoming.  We love these people! 

The rain started coming down and so it made for an exciting trip back to Praso.  We loved the entire day and feel so blessed to serve with such wonderful people.  God knows these people and they know him.  Their faith is so strong!

The Weekend begins...

Elder Williams, our missionary from England received a wonderful apple crisp recipe from his mum and so we enjoyed the delicious dish.  It was yummy!

And yes we have a London Bridge in Cape Coast!

We were so excited to attend this beautiful sisters baptism and Elder Masunga's last baptism as a full time missionary.  

Train the Trainers...

Elder Young and Masame instructing the Trainer's on the 12 weeks of training for the new missionaries arriving on Tuesday.

Our New Trainer's being instructed on being a leader/trainer, how to have a great environment for our new missionaries and how the 12 week program is so AWESOME!  

Sister Nyangoma will be the trainer for our one Sister who will be arriving. 

Elder Young!  This is his last training meeting as he will be leaving for home this week.  We are so grateful for his help and all he has done for us and this mission!  We will miss you!

Our 23 new Trainer's and 3 more to finish training missionaries.  We love you all and your excitement for the work!  This will be a fantastic week!  

5 a.m. shopping

So Sister Hillam decided she needed to go right to the farms to get fresh produce.  At 5 am she drove out to the market to buy plantain! (and more)  It was still dark but soon the people started coming out of the bush with baskets of food on their heads.  Here are just some of these wonderful people starting to gather to sell their produce from their farms!  

"Finisher's Wanted"

"Finisher's Wanted" arrived to have a chicken and rice lunch before instructions to  work hard right to the end of their missions. 

This group enjoyed setting goals and signing the traditional white shirt and Finisher's Wanted plaque.  

This is a lot of Sisters that will be leaving in December.  We love them all and we know they will  put forth all their efforts to continue to teach and baptize till they go home.  

This group of Elders have a close bond and we cannot wait to hear their MTC original group song in December!  We have no doubt that they will sprint to the finish line!

"Finisher's Wanted"  September 2017 

A QUICK trip to Assin Foso September 19

We drove to Assin Foso to drop in on a couple of District Meetings!  Here our a few of the missionaries we were able to visit with.  It was a fun morning!

Hang on Little Goats.  Transpertaion of animals comes in all different ways here.
This big truck was not going slow! We thought for sure one would slide off.  

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Just a few other

These lizards really can have quite the interesting colors!

This little guy decided to visit the dinning room in the mission home this week and yes,  Sister Hillam caught it and released it back to the wild!

So while in Takoradi we were on an exchange with the missionaries and were about to turn the corner in a neighborhood when around the corner came...

and more of them....

and more!  We did not move in the car as the horns were very big and long!